Creating Will-Power 10 steps
We have already seen
that many of our eating habits are controlled by the very foods we eat. If we ingest
sugars, coloring, preservatives, fats, sugars, our crave cycle overrides our
willpower. In other words I am in control only so much but get some of those
obesogens and fats and flavors and MSG and any other compound you can name into
my mouth; the glycemic
index spikes sky high, my neurons twitch
wildly, and my will power goes to hell in a hand basket. Where is self control
then? I’ve set myself up and I might as
well be snorting crack Let’s sort out what we have already discussed and build a plan
You already have will-power:
Are you someone who has been
able to save money and create a budget that keeps you and loved ones dressed,
fed, and sheltered? Do you wake up every day and go to work even though you
don’t want to? Do you go to the proctologist? The gynecologist? The dentist?
If you are doing these things
you are overcoming reluctance to do tasks. You are overcoming an inner
resistance for completing unpleasant and even painful tasks. And most
importantly you are showing the ability to defer reward Why do we do these doctor visits? Because we know it’s a matter of life and death, survival and
responsibility. You know that the pain at the dentist today will keep your tooth
from rotting and falling out next month.
So the first thing that has
to happen today is to buy into knowing that the result of not making the
changes makes you unhappy and lessens the quality of life. The flip side of
course, realizing that you will become peppier, happier, healthier, more attractive.
We all know
what this is called, it’s called an attitude change and we know the popular refrain,"To make changes you
have to make some changes."
Outwitting temptations, Let’s do this ! 10 ACTION STEPS
Make short accomplishable goals
It is well documented that
the way to success is by the completion of small steps. The blog has many action steps that I personally use, and you can adapt and add to these
mini-goals as you see fit. Just keep making those action steps and remember
incremental steps add up quickly.
This is a technique used
by so many people in all fields; athletics, business world, spiritual world. I
outlined a few of the visualizations that I use to kick in the internal visceral
cues such as seeing that Willy-Wonka factory the next time you reach for cereal. Connecting bad food with bad things is a good thing!
Look through the"looking
glass" and really truly see the you that you want to be. I outlined the way I
did this earlier in the manual. Even if this seems just weird to do, perhaps
with the attitude adjustment you might suspend your beliefs and accept that
envisioning and visualization does impact your outcome. The brain is a powerful
computer and I am convinced that there is a mind-body connection.
Acquire Knowledge
“Scientia potentia est"
Knowledge is power. Use the information in the blog and read up on health and
diet. Read the information frequently to remind yourself why it is---- you can’t have that cupcake today? When we acquire information we educate ourselves on something new and helpful. Take the step
and use the knowledge to improve your life.
5. Training Table: give it a name!
is power in giving something a name; give it a label: this identifies and creates
a new concept in your life. For example call your TT by your own name Claudia's Training Table. Give The
Training Table a new space in your life and routine. Write out a Training Table
menu. I would write it out in great fonts and add pictures. You can use the one that I describe or adapt it to your goals for yourself. I advise only to use the things you
should use and not mention the forbidden items.
6. Affirmations
and positive messages:
If you were raised in the 60s and 70s and lived through the beginning
of the affirmation craze this might not work for you. After Saturday Night Live did a weekly riff : Daily Affirmations with Stuart Smalley ---many of
us just can’t help ourselves for making fun at ourselves.
But Seriously, the idea of writing as was suggested earlier WITH I AM GOING TO TRANSFORM MY BODY. Or even
putting a picture of a clunker and next to that, a picture of your favorite
sleek and slinky car on the refrigerator. Visual affirmations work for many
people, there is an industry to prove this. Writing out “I can do this” “I’ve
got this!” “ I am going to transform!” are all things that may help you
strengthen inner will.
your social network:
Team with friends and use
your social media connections to help you stay on the path. Group support and a
“buddy” help with accountability. If I know I will touch base with my support
partner to discuss the week’s Training Table I am more inclined to meet the
goal. The “Way-to go!” reinforcement is very powerful. Support enhances
self-esteem, encouragement, and most importantly- self-control! If you are
inspired by someone else’s habits, talk to them. Their tips and words of
encouragement will motivate you. If they can do it, so can you! For me personally, leveraging my acquaintances is extremely powerful.
zone have a plan
Identify your “temptation
time “ and plan for it. I know after dinner when I am relaxing and watching
television, is my weakest moment. Research shows we succumb to temptations at
our times of fatigue. I could have had a
perfect On the Training Table day, but I can destroy that day’s gains on
wellness in a sudden swoop of loss of control during my temptation zone. I discovered for me; eating frozen cherries (semi frozen) or fresh
berries, gives me the satisfaction I crave. It’s a little like snacking;
berries eaten one at a time have the soothing effect of ice cream
with the frozen sensation. Just have some healthy,whole food ingredient ready, and get in the habit of using the item during that temptation time.
Your emotional eating triggers
If you have a sudden onset
of eating, or run to the cupboard and soothe yourself with chips, this is
likely what some would call “emotional eating.” I am way too familiar with this
and I have modulated and kept myself from triggering by stating out loud, “You
are feeling alone this evening, do you really want to set the food cycle off?
Stating the emotional trigger aloud is highly effective; consciously discover
and state your food- crave emotions.
10. The three “Rs”
Repeat. Repeat. The definition of “habit” is “things done often”. A
habit is a pattern of action and the only way a habit can be developed is by
doing all the tasks over and over again. Reread these ten tips and do this over
and over. For overcoming harmful impulses, there is no such thing as too much
For more helpful info see below:
Read more on emotional eating
a blog about habits Zen Habits by Leo Babauta
Great website. Encouraging all to read
ReplyDeleteI agree this will be life-changing
ReplyDeletegood news! Interesting game about fortnite
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