
Showing posts from 2016

Olives: Natural Antihistimine

Did you know that the olive extracts function as antihistamines at a cellular level? In traditional herbal medicine practices, preparations from olive leaves and the olive are used in treating an array of inflammatory problems including allergy-related inflammation.

Cereals; Nutritional Wasteland

Cereal, as others have aptly described, is, “a road to nutritional corruption.”   and I fully agree. I have long considered the creation of modern day cereal to be the epitome of processed food. I mean if you really imagine and think about it, cereal is a wasteland of nutrients and in my life -cereal goes into the junk-food drawer and never gets to land on The Training Table.

Nudge Theory: cues to help change habits and patterns for better outcomes

Create, design, and continually hone a“healthful-nudge” architecture in your life. Have you ever heard about the “ Nudge  Theory?” Essentially, small cues influence our conscious choices and this can be intentionally designed, or can exist without our realizing it.  We may be making bad decisions because we are unaware of cues, or bad decisions can result because we are not creating cues.The idea I am proposing is to leverage this  Nudge Theory  in our own lives for wellness and anti-aging.

4 Reasons You Should Drink Water

Most of us know that water is important, but keeping hydrated can have a massive impact on overall health and anti-aging. Water is needed by all our major organs and systems to function properly. Water protects the spinal chord, lubricates our joints, regulates body temperature, allows our digestive track to work effectively and efficiently, and is a vehicle for delivering essential nutrients to our cells. Water is considered by many heart specialist to be one of the most overlooked tools against heart disease.

Your Brain on Junk Food

What is the neurology of bingeing? I’ve been fascinated by what causes the out-of control- addictive behavior that seems to overcome me; often times the urge comes out of nowhere. I wondered, " Am I crazy?" My behavior sure is. As it is turns out the binge behavior is very explainable and therefore “normal.” The binge phenomenon is spurred on by chemistry far more powerful than mental willpower. The more I understood the brain’s response to junk food, the easier it became for me to take control over it. Junk food alters brain chemistry and it is crucial to understand how it does if you want to reach for anti-aging, and strive for a transformational body.

Phytoncides; Forest Bathing Fitness trend has hit the USA

There is a persuasive theory about why the simple act of going outdoors near plants and trees for brief intervals, can impact your health so positively. Plants release a chemical called phytoncides  and they use this important anti-microbial  chemical for protection from rot and decay. Research indicates that humans also benefit from these vital compounds.The Japanese recognize these effects, and have a popular practice called  Shinrin-Yoku  or "forest bathing" based on the therapeutic effects of being near nature, parks, trees, and plants. The Shinrin-Yoku practiced has recently become on-trend internationally, Oprah Winfrey helped popularize this practice,  also called, " Forest Medicine "

When You Feel Achy, Stiff; avoid these 6 Foods

The Training Table is all about anti-aging, and I cannot think of anything that characterizes aging more than achy, swollen joints, and stiff painful muscles. It should not be hard to get up from a comfortable sitting position, and stiffness after getting up from bed should dissolve within an hour. If you are finding that you remain achy or stiff after that hour has passed, you will find the following information meaningful.

Creating Will-Power 10 steps

We have already seen that many of our eating habits are controlled by the very foods we eat. If we ingest sugars, coloring, preservatives, fats, sugars, our crave cycle overrides our willpower. In other words I am in control only so much but get some of those obesogens and fats and flavors and MSG and any other compound you can name into my mouth; the glycemic index  spikes sky high, my neurons twitch wildly, and my will power goes to hell in a hand basket. Where is self control then?  I’ve set myself up and I might as well be snorting crack  Let’s sort out what we have already discussed and build a plan

Note from Claudia

 Rules I live by: a blog and manual to help transform your body What’s on your Training Table? Do you even have one? Note from Claudia : A slender or trim and fit self is elusive to many but my blog, or consider it a maintenance manual, reveals all my tricks and knowledge I’ve learned from health professionals and top fitness trainers. When all is said and done, after you read  and fully comprehend all the food journey we’ve been on and where we want to be, so much will seem simplistic and back to the basics. My grandmother would have called this book THE NO-DUH! Diet. The rules and health laws are simple, but following through on the principles is indeed a most challenging task. But our well- being will only be as good as our will power to follow through on these healthy living practices.   Scientia Potentia Est: Knowledge is power   This blog will gather research, assimilate and condense information that I have lived by this past ...

The Training Table: tenets of a healthier, fit you

First rules on The Training Table: One has to start somewhere so let’s start with the major tenets of the way to a healthier more fit you. How do I determine what goes on my Training Table ? Whole foods will construct a youthful you whereas processed foods will build an aging you. If the next few steps are followed all begins to fall into place.

You Choose The Car You Drive

Which Car Would You Rather Drive? Imagine two cars; one is a clunky, beat up jalopy with gunked-up engine parts whose engine splutters due to bad gasoline and lack of maintenance. It is undependable and will inevitably leave you stranded. The other: a sleek, enviable Ferrari, with an engine that purrs and drives you through life dependably . Which would you rather drive?  While this may seem like a stupid question, we all want a dependable, sleek car over that clunker that keeps breaking down. Hey, most of us would settle for a dependable, upgraded, mid-size sedan over that rattletrap!

Throw Out the Word "Diet"

The Word “diet” is Outdated This diet notion that I grew up with in the 50s, 60s, and 70s, has been thrown out by many experts. Back then we had lists of foods to be eaten in a certain period of time and we concentrated on weight loss. The approach was one dimensional:  eat these foods, target this weight loss, and get into this clothing size. And then what?

Mind Reboot

MIND REBOOT: GETTING STARTED Chunk it down to small steps (Action Steps) First, you must believe that every moment of every day counts, especially the “now” moment. I feel strongly that if we can incorporate even one new  wellness change a week (action steps) and build on each new change: little by little, ineffective or lazy routines are replaced and healthy results begin to add up to better overall wellness, which in the long-run, amounts to a more youthful and healthier outcome. That’s what I did. There is no such thing as insignificant changes, every little step forward brings you to an improved ---You.

The Training Table Concept

Did this food make it to the Training Table? Adapting the mindset of a “Training Table” in your life is critical to a successful wellness transformation. When athletes are under a training regimen they sit together and eat meals planned to condition them for a specific sport.   Athletic training tables are designed specifically for the sport or athletic event one trains for. I will detail my own personal Training Table and readers; you can individualize yours as you decide how far you would like to take your transformation.

Understanding Youthfulness and Vanity

UNDERSTANDING “YOUTHFULNESS” AND “VANITY” A “Youthful body” is an outcome of wellness. To get there is a comprehensive process that includes the obvious such as food intake and exercise, but it’s important that we look at the other elements usually overlooked in health books. Acting on the process will successfully bring us closer to that body ideal.  I always like to remember that working out to look great is, well, admittedly vanity; yes I like to put on my skinny jeans. Yes, I take pride in looking good, but vanity is after all, nature’s trick to help us stay on the healthy path.